ClearSign’s Dr. Jim Deller and Jeff Lewallen discuss the ClearSign Core™ process burner technology in a new case study video. Both joined the ClearSign team in 2019 bringing their industry expertise and combined with the ClearSign research and development technical experts, ClearSign has propelled the process burner technology to ground-breaking results and lead the process burner redesign.
As the commercialization of the ultra-low sub 5ppm NOx process burner is being rolled out, ClearSign turned to their customer base for feedback and conducted a burner needs assessment. These discussions with customers highlighted the following needs: ease of maintenance, low inventory and ease of operation, with these needs often ranking higher than NOx reduction.
ClearSign took this customer feedback and redesigned the ClearSign Core™ process burner. One of the many updates is the introduction of a new pilot. The new pilot not only simplifies the structure of the burner, but also simplifies the overall operation of the burner all while achieving industry-leading NOx reduction levels. Watch our latest case study to learn more about the ClearSign Core™ process burner redesign.