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Technology Library2024-11-08T16:35:28+00:00
Articles – Process Burner2024-09-04T19:07:38+00:00

BIC Magazine: Be the Zero Hero: Improve Project Economics when Transitioning to 100% Hydrogen Firing

BIC Magazine: Reducing NOx Emissions, Even on Older Heaters

Market Assessment of Emerging Ultra Low-NOX Burner Technologies

Company Innovations Reduce Emissions

Technology Achieves Reduced NOx Emissions at California Refinery

Technology achieves reduced NOx emissions at California Refinery Oil and Gas Journal

Duplex™ Lessons Learned and Roadblocks Overcome to its Success

Duplex lessons learned and roadblocks overcome to its success AFRC 2019


Hydrocarbon Processing NOx Reduction

New Burner structure targets significant NOx reduction Heat Transfer Hydrocarbon Processing 2017

Hydrocarbon Engineering

California Dreaming Hydrocarbon Engineering July 2017

New Technology Slashes NOx Emissions

New Technology slashes NOx emissions at Californai Refinery Oil & Gas Journal

A Creative Innovation in Industrial Combustion Technology

Duplex A creative innovation in industrial combustion technology

Duplex™ for Refinery Process

Duplex Refinery Technology for Refinery Process Heaters White Paper
Brochures – Process Burner2024-09-06T16:13:02+00:00

 ClearSign Core™ Process Burner

White Papers – Process Burner2023-05-08T14:24:48+00:00

Multi-Burner Demonstration Test Report ClearSign Core™ Burner Technology

The ClearSign Core™ Burner: Technology Development and Field Results

Duplex™: Lessons Learned and Roadblocks Overcome to Its Success

Duplex™ Technology Evaluation and Cost Comparison to SCR

Duplex Technology evaluation and cost comparison to SCR Norton Engineering

Duplex™ Technology Demonstrates Sub-5 ppm NOx and CO Simultaneously Without SCR, FGR, or High Excess Air

Duplex Technology Demonstrates Sub-5 ppm NOx and CO Simultaneously without SCR, FGR or high excess air white paper
Videos – Process Burner2019-12-04T20:57:54+00:00
Case Studies – Process Burner2019-11-20T16:52:17+00:00
  • Tricore Refining, LLC fired heater with process burner

Bakersfield based Tricor Refining, LLC installs second ClearSign Core™ burner to meet increased heating demands.

November 18th, 2019|Comments Off on Bakersfield based Tricor Refining, LLC installs second ClearSign Core™ burner to meet increased heating demands.

Tricor Refining, LLC, a customer based in Kern County, California reached out to ClearSign to provide a solution to restart a heater that had been mothballed from service for over 20 years. This vertical

Articles – Boiler Burner2024-10-01T13:34:56+00:00

Ultra-Low NOx Burner Field Testing

BIC Magazine: Designing Near-Zero-NOx Boiler Burners

Market Assessment of Emerging Ultra Low-NOX Burner Technologies

Today’s Boiler: Crafting Boiler Burners that Meet or Exceed NOx Emission Targets

Duplex™ Lessons Learned and Roadblocks Overcome to it’s Success

Duplex lessons learned and roadblocks overcome to its success AFRC 2019


New Technology Slashes NOx Emissions

New Technology slashes NOx emissions at Californai Refinery Oil & Gas Journal

Duplex™ Technology for Once-Through Steam Generators

Duplex technology for once through steam generators
Brochures – Boiler Burner2024-09-06T16:19:54+00:00

ClearSign Core™ Fire Tube Boiler Burner – Near-Zero NOx and S-Series

ClearSign Core™ Fire Tube Boiler Burner

White Papers – Boiler Burner2019-11-01T01:07:11+00:00

Duplex™ Technology Evaluation and Cost Comparison to SCR

Duplex Technology evaluation and cost comparison to SCR Norton Engineering

Duplex™ Technology Demonstrates Sub-5 ppm NOx and CO Simultaneously Without SCR, FGR, or High Excess Air

Duplex Technology Demonstrates Sub-5 ppm NOx and CO Simultaneously without SCR, FGR or high excess air white paper
Videos – Boiler Burner2019-10-30T23:00:14+00:00
Case Studies – Boiler Burner2019-11-20T16:52:55+00:00
  • otsgvalves

ClearSign delivers 3 successful OTSG installations to central California customer.

November 15th, 2019|Comments Off on ClearSign delivers 3 successful OTSG installations to central California customer.

ClearSign has installed the ClearSign Core™ technology into three Once Through Steam Generators (OTSG) in central California.A California based customer approached ClearSign interested in applying the technology to meet the area’s strict emissions regulations. The

  • Clearsign research scientists working in Cleaver Brooks boiler

ClearSign research and development achieves sub 5ppm corrected to 3%O2 with vintage Cleaver Brooks firetube boiler

November 10th, 2019|Comments Off on ClearSign research and development achieves sub 5ppm corrected to 3%O2 with vintage Cleaver Brooks firetube boiler

ClearSign Technology Corporation continues to evolve its ClearSign Core™ Technology which yields unprecedented emissions and turndown levels to the Firetube boiler market. This robust, $2B USD+ market is currently underserved with either traditional/diffusion style

Articles – Flares2019-11-24T16:01:34+00:00

Optimizing Enclosed Flares

Optimizing enclosed flares Hydrocarbon Engineering January 2018

Emission Enhancement

Emission Enhancement Hydrocarbon Engineering October 2019


Brochures – Flares2022-04-21T21:44:49+00:00

ClearSign Core™ Enclosed Flare

White Papers – Flares2019-11-01T01:18:24+00:00

Duplex™ Technology Evaluation and Cost Comparison to SCR

Duplex Technology evaluation and cost comparison to SCR Norton Engineering
Videos – Flares2019-10-08T20:25:17+00:00
Case Studies – Flares2019-11-20T16:53:05+00:00

ClearSign Introduces 2nd generation ClearSign Core™ Modular Pod Burner for Flaring Applications.

November 11th, 2019|Comments Off on ClearSign Introduces 2nd generation ClearSign Core™ Modular Pod Burner for Flaring Applications.

What began as a complex problem for a customer has led to the development of an industry leading burner solution for flaring applications. A California based oil and gas company was facing several problems

Articles – Flame Sensing2019-11-01T01:18:49+00:00

Flame Safety and Fuel Savings Integrated into One System

EC Sensor: Flame Safety and Fuel Savings Integrated Into One System
Brochures – Flame Sensing2023-01-25T19:38:41+00:00

 ClearSign Eye™ Pilot Sensor

White Papers – Flame Sensing2022-04-21T14:23:25+00:00


AFRC 2021 Industrial Combustion Symposium

Videos – Flame Sensing2021-10-25T15:57:26+00:00
Case Studies – Flame Sensing2019-11-20T16:53:11+00:00
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